Booking a legal wedding ceremony
I often hear couples say they are confused when booking their legal wedding ceremony. I hope this blog will help couples to understand the procedure. If you are wanting a ceremony here at Furtho Manor Farm before you book the registrars please book your date with Linda or Robin by emailing Your date will then be pencilled in, once you have confirmed with the registrars lets us know and we will send a contract of hire to confirm your booking. You do not have to live in the West Northants area to get married at Furtho Manor Farm. There are two things you need to book with the registars. Firstly you need to book for a ceremony to take place at Furtho Manor Farm on the date you would like. Secondly, within 12 months of your wedding day you need to book a Notice of Marriage / Civil Ceremony. The notice of marriage has to go to the registars in the area where you live. At Furtho Manor Farm Wedding Venue we are ...